Dear United States of America,

I am writing this because as a refugee, as an American, and as a human being I need to speak out, or I won’t be able to sleep at night..

Two weeks ago, my family celebrated our 23rd year of living in the United States. To do so, my parents, grandparents, and I had a family gathering, where we took a trip down Memory Lane, looking at photo albums. Like every year, my family reminded me of how we came to the United States, and why. We came as Jewish refugees, leaving family and friends behind. We made this sacrifice to flee anti-Semitism, rampant street violence, corruption, and a crashing economy. We risked our entire livelihoods to search for a better future, and a better life. And we found it! Decent jobs, our own property, the ability to travel, cars, grandparents well taken care off, the ability to speak your mind, study what you want, pursue a career that interests us, and innovate. We have reached our American Dream!

Yet while reaching it, sometimes we got so busy that we missed what is going on right under our noses. Two weeks later, I came to realize that, while we were toasting the successes of our new lives in America, the country that we adopted was starting to become unrecognizable. The same country that, 23 years ago, welcomed immigrants and refugees, now jails them. The nation that provided 7-year-old me money, clothing, food and recreation, is now taking the kids off the arms of their mothers and putting them in cages. I shudder to imagine what would happen to me if this was the fate of my family!

Unlike too many of the hypocrites who are now in the United States as refugees and immigrants themselves, I haven’t forgotten where I came from, or how I got here. The ONLY difference between my family and the refugees seeking a better life, is that they are dark-skinned, while I’m Jewish. They weren’t born in a Socialist country; I was. Their country of birth is not hostile to the United States; mine, at that point, was. That’s the ONLY difference. To infer otherwise is tomfoolery. How can any immigrant, refugee, or asylum-seeker, legal or not, be opposed to something that he or she used, and would use again without any hesitation oncesoever, to build a better life?

Some may claim that my family is legal, while others are not, but what kind of excuse is that? Who decides who is “legal”? It’s ironic, isn’t it? To become “legal”, Russian Jews first had to suffer through pogroms, then the Holocaust, then Russian Socialism, all to earn the right for “asylum”. How many holocausts do the people already suffering from gang violence and lawlessness need to go through before the United States gets its head out of its ass, and wakes up?

What the Trump administration is doing is despicable. It is inhumane. It is a black mark on our history. We claim that we are so-called leaders, in aid, in humanity, in empathy. We want other countries to follow our lead, to admire us, to “spread democracy”. Yet we are blind to the human rights violations happening right at home, under our very eyes. Worse, so-called “Americans”, who claim to believe in God, who consider themselves as decent human beings, who espouse “family values”, are actually defending separating children from their parents. What kind of illness has befallen our country? When shall we take the antidote to cure us from our sickness?

For anyone outside of the United States reading this, I want you to know, this is NOT THE America I know. The majority of us Americans do not, and will not support this criminality. We shall, and are fighting it. We shall resist. And, while the black mark on our history has already been stained with permanent ink, we shall make sure that it is but a tiny blot in our history. The humanity, and the future of the United States depends on it!



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